In reading and researching the classics of investment literature before and during the building of Stockopedia, we realised that no adequate digest of the core concepts of stock picking existed. Not only that but a huge amount of misinformation exists on the web.
The breadth of literature can be quite daunting to the typical investor. So whether you are looking to broaden your understanding of the core concepts of investing, want a summary of the classics of finance without the sweat or just want to bluff to your boss these books are for you!
Everything you need to get started in Value Investing
Everything you need to get started in Dividend Investing
Profiting from institutional, insider and analyst moves.
Everything UK investors need to know about investing in US shares
Everything UK investors need to know about investing in Asia-Pacific
Lessons learned from 245 small cap disasters
Create, annotate, save and share your own technical analysis studies
How you can profit from share price volatility.
The secrets of how eight guru investors made a fortune from the stock market
The secrets of how eight American investors made a fortune from the stock market