Working Capital is calculated as Current Assets minus Current Liabilities. It is a measure of the Operating Liquidity available to a business.
It is worth noting that companies that do business on a cash basis (such as a grocery store) need very little working capital (it may even be negative such that the business is partly funded by its suppliers).
As always therefore, ensure to take into account industry differences when comparing balance sheet items.
Ticker | Name | Working Capital | StockRank™ |
LON:SHEL | Shell | 39180.00 | 95 |
LON:FIXP | Fix Price | 30341.00 | 0 |
LON:BP. | BP | 19121.00 | 59 |
LON:GLEN | Glencore | 10684.00 | 65 |
LON:RIO | Rio Tinto | 8767.00 | 89 |