The world's only stock rating system designed specifically around the proven principles of "factor investing"
Using our powerful screening tools you can instantly draw up lists of high StockRank™ candidate stocks for further research.
Use the rankings any way you like, on their own or in combination with 350+ financial ratios in our database to hunt for stocks that fit your investment style.
Analyse your portfolio holdings in table view or as bubble charts. This unique view enables you to isolate poor ranking shares at a glance. By monitoring your the movements of your holdings through the rankings over time you can weed out lower probability stocks and ensure a higher "factor exposure" portfolio. If the future rhymes with history, this may lead to a better chance of market beating returns.
I could quickly see that some shares that had been tipped were of poor quality, so started the process of selling shares to reduce the number and improve the quality using the StockRanks number as a guide.
Factor investing is a method of harvesting the returns offered by stocks that exhibit certain traits. These traits, or factors, are identifiable using each stock's fundamental and technical data. Portfolios of stocks that exhibit traits such as being profitable (Quality), cheap (Value), strong (Momentum), small (Size), and Low Volatility have been proven historically to persistently and pervasively outperform the averages over the long term.
The StockRanks™, RiskRatings™ & StockRank Styles help investors build portfolios exposed to these factors - providing the world's only dedicated toolkit to do so.
Factors proven to find winning stocks over decades of research by Nobel Prize winning academics*
An equal weighted composite of Quality, Value & Momentum to identify good, cheap & improving stocks.
A simple measure to find good companies.
A simple measure to find cheap stocks.
A simple measure to find improving stocks.
*Our measures are based upon the published work of academics such as Josef Lakonishok, Joseph Piotroski, Eugene Fama, Kenneth French, Robert Novy-Marx, Messod Beneish, Edward Altman & many more. Our work is indebted to these great individuals who have spent decades proving markets are beatable.
After your free trial, plans start at just £295 per year. With a one month money back guarantee, you're in control.
They are statistical measures that can help improve your odds of picking winners
On average since 2013, our live performance tracking has shown that higher ranking shares (good, cheap, improving) have dramatically outperformed lower ranking shares (expensive, deteriorating, junk).
These results validate the findings of three decades of research into the Quality, Value and Momentum factors by famous academics like Cliff Asness, Nobel Laureate Eugene Fama and Josef Lakonishok. Our rankings system stands on the shoulders of giants.
On average since 2013, two out of every three 90+ StockRank™ stocks have been winners over a 1 year timeframe, while two out of three 10- stocks have been losers. These results have been remarkably persistent across markets & sectors.
High ranking stocks can, of course, fall. The StockRank shows how similar a stock's profile is to those that have done well in the past. It provides no guarantee of results. But on average, in a diversified portfolio, over the longer term, higher ranked shares have significantly beaten the market.
In a recent survey of 1,329 subscribers, 67% said:
The StockRanks were the feature that most contributed to their outperformance
*January 2021 survey of Stockopedia Subscribers.
I found that my success rate tripled. So yes, Stockopedia has changed my investment approach and I am more than happy to continue to use it. Best investment tool out there…
Learn how Stockopedia has transformed the results of these investors
I'm able to invest in companies and not do it blind; that's the key difference.
The StockRanks, for me, act as very good guides.
Stockopedia's changed my approach quite substantially.
After your free trial, plans start at just £295 per year. With a one month money back guarantee, you're in control.
Stockopedia is one of the few companies in the world that the markets giant Refinitiv (a Thomson Reuters company) partners with to serve the individual investor.
I really find Stockopedia indispensable for excellent data and the StockRanks are also a strong component of my investment decisions.
Since our launch, we've believed supporting our subscribers to be our most important endeavor. Our goal is to provide the help you need to succeed as a self-reliant investor - and you'll do that better the faster you learn to use our investment tools.
Our analyst team includes three Chartered Financial Analysts and three candidates. We have the expertise to resolve everything from simple account queries to tough data issues.
In the last 12 months we handled 11,046 unique conversations with our subscribers. 22% of which were personally handled by Ed Croft our CEO. We really do give a damn.
After your free trial, plans start at just £295 per year. With a one month money back guarantee, you're in control.
Not only is the software easy to use and to understand but the team around it are always there to assist. Thanks to Stockopedia for helping me feel comfortable enough to take my own investment decisions and to develop my own strategy. It's enriched my pocket and my life.
“Stockopedia has always been miles ahead in its presentation of data and its carefully selected use of stock screens to identify great stocks.”
“Expensive fund managers should be looking over their shoulders.”
“Since I last wrote about advanced screeners for value investors Stockopedia has emerged as my favourite. For data, Stockopedia shines.”
“Stockopedia presents all the data on any company that you are likely to want, saving you doing the analysis - this is a highly recommended service.”
“One of the advantages of using Stockopedia is that it helps throw up companies that you would otherwise not find out about. It also helps investors avoid getting caught in the traps that even the biggest household name shares can lay.”
“Stockopedia is a great place to scan for new shares to buy. Each share gets a ranking, you can use 'guru' screens to find shares, there is even a stock screen loosely based on my criteria! There is lots more really fantastic material and I believe access should help investors and I now use it myself.”
After your free trial, plans start at just £295 per year. With a one month money back guarantee, you're in control.
Stockopedia is the perfect solution for the time-poor individual investor looking for results
Plans start at just £295 per year
After your free trial, plans start at just £295 per year. With a one month money back guarantee, you're in control.