The Daily Volatility of a security is the standard deviation of its daily return time series. It is commonly used as a measure of the risk of the security. We calculate the daily volatility with up to 3 years of daily price data.
Daily Volatility is the average difference between the return on a given day and the average return over the time period. To calculate the Daily Volatility you first compute the daily returns over the period in question. The daily return is calculated as today's price, minus yesterday's price, all divided by yesterday's price. Once this is done, the standard deviation of the time series of daily returns is the daily volatility of the security.
Ticker | Name | Daily Volatility | StockRank™ |
LON:MACA | MAC Alpha | 0.00% | 9 |
LON:PNL | Personal Assets Trust | 0.51% | 0 |
LON:CMPG | CT Global Managed Portfolio Trust | 0.55% | 0 |
LON:CGT | Capital Gearing Trust | 0.59% | 0 |
LON:MIGO | Migo Opportunities Trust | 0.60% | 0 |