Net Profit Margin

The Net Profit Margin is a measure of how much profit a company has left over after paying all of its expenses, including Interest and Taxes. It is calculated as the Net Profit divided by Revenue. This is measured on a TTM basis and earnings are normalised.

Stockopedia explains Net Mgn

After all expenses, including taxes and interest costs, are paid, net profit is what is left for shareholders. This is one of the best indicators of the company's efficiency because net profit takes into consideration all expenses of the company.

Investors want the net profit margin to be as high as possible and a double digit net margin or higher is generally considered strong. That said, the most profitable businesses can have significantly higher net margins. This is measured on a TTM basis.

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The 5 highest Net Mgn Stocks in the Market

TickerNameNet MgnStockRank™
LON:IX.I (X) Net Zero211317.5760
LON:IGCIndia Capital Growth Fund26811.1149
LON:CMXCatalyst Media12308.2023
LON:RTWRTW Biotech Opportunities1994.7641