The Current Ratio is a measure of how many times a company can pay its Current Liabilities with its Current Assets. It is calculated as Total Current Assets divided by Total Current Liabilities. This item is not available for Banks, Insurance companies and other companies that do not distinguish between current and long term assets and liabilities. This ratio reflects
This measure is used to determine the ability of a company to meet its current liabilities. If the ratio falls below 1, it means that the company has fewer current assets than current liabilities and that it may struggle to meet its current liabilities in the coming months.
This metric is calculated using balance sheet values from the same interim financial period as the current quarter, except from the previous year. For example, if the most recent quarter was Q2 for 2016, this ratio would represent the value for Q2 2015.
Ticker | Name | Current Ratio | StockRank™ |
LON:ADVT | AdvancedAdvT | 502.76 | 27 |
LON:NTV | Northern 2 VCT | 436.72 | 39 |
LON:BGLF | Blackstone Loan Financing | 420.09 | 99 |
LON:NTN | Northern 3 VCT | 398.85 | 45 |
LON:GSF | Gore Street Energy Storage Fund | 355.91 | 52 |